Saturday, January 1, 2011

Come Follow Us thru 2011!!

     Come and follow us through 2011!! As we bring on new clients, see more of the present clients, watch as the lil' ones' grow oh' so quickly. Stay with us as we capture just the right photograph for your home decor', or as we greet a 'New Life' or snap a shot of a 'New Beginning'...

     2011 brings a newness...a refreshing excitement for what is to come! {Follow} us through all the moments, that make the most precious memories here, on Facebook, and stop by our website.

Lets start it out with a Beautiful Photograph capturing my Lil' Paisley as she is now 9 mths and continually stealing my breath away!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Excited for's gonna be a GREAT year! Some changes in session prices and prints but will still be very affordable. Packages will be offered, custom cards, invites, annoucements, gifts and so on...and as always a FREE CD of atleast 30 edited proofs with a print purchase of atleast $50. Contact us also, for a V-Session in the month of January and recieve all your ordered prints/products in time for Valentines.

{With Ease}
 Check out my website ...coming soon Creative Photography available for purchase....see something you would love to have for you walls...message me!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


My lil' Paisley Grace is now 9 months old
She stole my heart the moment she was born into my arms
This lil' 5 pounder with eyes so dark and a head full of hair
As she laid on my chest I knew
She'd be my every breath, my every smile, my every tear
Now watching her grow
Oh, so fast
I take each moment
Freezing it in my mind, my heart, my soul
Watching her first smile
Her rolling to and from
How she is like all the others
Is an endless fountain from her GERD
But yet, oh so different
I love the fact I'm HER tissue, burp rag, and yes, sometimes diaper
As she is growing
She seems to pride herself in achieving milestones as fast as possible
Wearing clothes at 9mths, her big sis wore at 13 mth
Already crawling, pulling up, cruisin, and momentarily standing alone
Thru all the sleepless nights
And those to come
I can say
I wouldn't change a thing
I couldn't imagine my life without HER in it
As tonight
She was  fussn'
We danced to music in our front room
I kissed on her lil' neck
That yes, smelled of rotted milk
She smiled her innocence at me
Snuggled up
She gives me a drool bug kiss
And slowly drifts
To sleep
She has indeed...

Stolen my HEART!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

{RAMSEY} 2010

What a GREAT family! They are sooooo Beautiful, Loving, and Unique in every personality. I am so blessed in being able to bring a moment to their walls. I love what I get to do for others... Stop in and browse...sign our Guest Book and purchase something for your walls!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Busy Bee

I have been in overload these past few weeks. Juggling different jobs, which consist of mom, wife, photographer, data entry, cook, maid, and nurse!!
All of which I wouldn't trade for anything!
With all the craziness, long days, and sleepless nights....I can find a joy in every aspect of my life. 
In my photography, I have been working on some "Coffee Table Books". They are now done and ordered, can't wait to see them. The Christmas cards for a client are also done, and ordered!  The 'it' color being a royal blue this year and it's look is very classic! Mecate's turning '3' cards are also completed and excited to send to friends and family...super cute!
In my 'ranch' job, it's weaning/pragn' I have spent many hours chute side entering data on the calves/cows. It won't slow down til Dec. Now I am also taking over Monthly Inventory for all ranch divisions. Thankful for a chance to work from home and still contribute to our household!  We couldn't ask for a better company to work oriented, friendly, caring, supportive, encouraging, stable, and FUN! A huge thanks to the Silver Spur for keeping with the tradition of 'ranching'! I wouldn't want to raise my children any other way...
In my wife, mom, nurse, and cook job/s....well, it's been a time. Juggling outside jobs, school agendas, sickness, making sure no matter what time of night it is, that there is a hot supper to eat. Dr. app's., scheduling eye app's for both girls. Making time to take the kids to the library for reading time, making a point to surprise them with a sweet treat here and there. Then looking over to watch Miss Paisley start to 'crawl'. WOW...what a bittersweet moment...  I can officially say, that I could use a 24 hour nap!  But when it seems I'm drowning in it...I can cuddle up with one or all of my babies and hold them tightly in the comfy recliner by the warm fire and smile! 
I am so thankful for the life the Lord has granted myself and my family. Each and every day He sends a newness to our lives, a freshness! I thank Him for all of our opportunities and for all of our daily blessings. He has sustained us against the 'world' and continues to bring confirmation that our 'doings' are 'right'! It seems when we are walking in His will, is when the ol' Devil rears his ugly head and attacks...but I have no worries, for He was also persecuted and I know He is here now with us, blocking every attack! 
One day every eye shall see and every ear shall hear....
To wrap this up...all I can say is...I am thankful!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Spookn' Around

So a typical 'girl'...I had Miss Paisley all oranged out yesterday, she was lookn' oh so CUTE. Thought to myself, I'll dress both girls in their spooky orange fashion, BUT NO....Lil' Mecate would have none of it. So instead of putting up a fight we went on with our day....Sooo this morning she comes out in HER orange spooky fashion....GRRRRRR....!!!!!  Today she will wears HERS...(((((GIRLS)))))

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Miss Paisley

How oh' how can this be....
She greets us with the sweetest smile each morning and lil' snuggle ever so gently on my shoulder.
She has such a sweet personality...eyes that sparkle...a laugh that makes me want to cry.
I am so blessed to have this beautiful lil' girl in my life. Each and every day she teaches me how to LOVE the simplest things. I love her slobbery kisses and how when someone talks to her, she buries her head into my chest...trying to be soooo 'shy' BUT we all know she isn't! Time stands still when we rock, when she sings her lil' songs, when she just simply holds so tightly onto my finger. 

 can this be...6mths always seems to be so 'bittersweet' when your a mama!